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Good wage gains for iron and steel workers in Zambia

13 August, 2011The National Union of Building, Engineering and General Workers (NUBEGW) has negotiated a 13 percent wage increase in the iron and steel sector with the employers association in the iron and steel sector. This increase in significantly ahead of the inflation rate in Zambia

ZAMBIA: Zambia seems to be faring well given the difficult global economic environment. Most of the country's economic sectors are recording positive growth and this is reflected in the increase the GDP. The inflation rate has been maintained at around 9%.

Whilst the economy of the country appears stable and moving in a positive direction, food and fuel prices have been increasing, making the cost of living high and many essential items unaffordable to workers.

The union has been able to successfully negotiate a 13% wage increase for iron and steel workers, at least 5% higher than current inflation, making it a real wage increase.

NUBEGW has faced greater challenges in negotiations with the construction sector, where the union has at least been to secure a 9% increase. 

Article contributed by George Sikazwe of NUBEGW