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14 December, 2000General Motors intends to eliminate 6,000 jobs in Europe, with the main impact on its Vauxhall plant in Luton.

EUROPE: On December 12, simultaneously with the news media, representatives of the General Motors Europe Works Council were informed by the headquarters of General Motors Europe, in Zurich, that GM will eliminate approximately 6,000 European jobs by 2002. (See also IMF website news item of December 13 under the associated link.) The main impact of these plans is on the plant in Luton, UK, which will produce on only one shift starting in January 2001 and is to be closed in 2002.
The representatives of the European Works Council immediately rejected these plans and left the meeting under protest, because
- the planned workforce reduction violates an existing employment security agreement for the Luton plant,
- the information concerning the workforce reduction was neither timely nor complete and consequently violates the European Works Council agreement.
On behalf of the GM European Works Council, its chairman, Klaus Franz, issued a statement declaring that the European Works Council rejects this attempt to solve problems caused by management mistakes at the employees' expense by means of dismissals and plant closings. "We demand that the European management take steps to improve the profitability of the enterprise through product and sales offensives that will save jobs at the affected plants. For its part, the European Works Council will make proposals to prevent the workforce reductions planned by management. The employees of General Motors Europe stand together in these difficult times; we will not allow management to split our ranks."
To obtain complete information, the delegates to the European Works Council have demanded an extraordinary session of the Manufacturing Committee for the beginning of next year.
Solidarity messages in support of GM Luton workers would be greatly appreciated and can be sent by fax in care of John Jack on:
00441582-426873 or
or by e-mail to: John Jack. Kindly send copies of your messages to the IMF.
The representatives of the European Works Council immediately rejected these plans and left the meeting under protest, because
- the planned workforce reduction violates an existing employment security agreement for the Luton plant,
- the information concerning the workforce reduction was neither timely nor complete and consequently violates the European Works Council agreement.
On behalf of the GM European Works Council, its chairman, Klaus Franz, issued a statement declaring that the European Works Council rejects this attempt to solve problems caused by management mistakes at the employees' expense by means of dismissals and plant closings. "We demand that the European management take steps to improve the profitability of the enterprise through product and sales offensives that will save jobs at the affected plants. For its part, the European Works Council will make proposals to prevent the workforce reductions planned by management. The employees of General Motors Europe stand together in these difficult times; we will not allow management to split our ranks."
To obtain complete information, the delegates to the European Works Council have demanded an extraordinary session of the Manufacturing Committee for the beginning of next year.
Solidarity messages in support of GM Luton workers would be greatly appreciated and can be sent by fax in care of John Jack on:
00441582-426873 or
or by e-mail to: John Jack. Kindly send copies of your messages to the IMF.