26 February, 2009Global Labour University invites trade unionists of the world to participate in a special masters program on labour and globalisation.

GENEVA: The International Labour Organisation Bureau for Workers' Activities ACTRAV encourages trade unionists to apply for a new masters program on labour and globalisation launched by Global Labour University in 2009.
The trade unionists from all over the globe are invited to participate in four courses, which will take place in Brazil, Germany, India and South Africa.
The deadline for applications for courses organised in Germany and India is April 1, 2009. Unionists who want to enroll to the courses in Brazil and South Africa should submit applications before September 1, 2009.
The courses are given in English. Detailed information about the programs and the application forms are available at http://www.global-labour-university.org/.
The Bureau for Workers' Activities and its project partners will award a limited number of scholarships to applicants from developing and transition economies. Applicants need to have the endorsement of a trade union to apply for a scholarship. Applications for scholarship should be sent to the Global Labour University. Contact details are available at the GLU site.