5 October, 2010Global Unions, representing more than 176 million working people worldwide, presents "Quality Public Services - Action Now!" a conference from October 12 to 14 in Geneva.
GLOBAL: With the shared belief that quality public services provide the essential foundation for decent work, democracy, equity, and quality of life for all citizens, the conference will chart innovative strategies to improve and expand quality public services around the world.
There will be about 400 conference participants including trade union, civil society and government representatives from across the globe who will contribute to a charter and action plan for a new Global Unions' campaign that promotes investment in quality public services as the best way to protect and create jobs for economic recovery, address poverty and inequity, and build environmentally-sustainable, secure and democratic societies.
IMF director for Trade and Development, Carla Coletti, will host a workshop on October 13 called "Working on the edge" where she will talk on how the economic crisis is being used as an excuse to further erode the quality of work and how precarious working conditions are fast becoming common for women, young people and migrant workers.
For further information, see: www.qpsconference.org