25 July, 2008Trade unionists are invited to apply to one of four different Masters programmes offered in Germany, South Africa, Brazil and India.

GLOBAL: Master courses offered by the Global Labour University (GLU) are now open for application. Four programmes on labour studies for trade unionists are offered in 2008-2009 by the GLU network, formed by the international labour movement, academic institutions, foundations and the International Labour Organisation (ILO).
The duration of each programme is one year, and they are:
- The "Labour and Development, Economic Policy, Globalisation and Labour" Programme is offered by the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa;
- The "Social Economy and Labour" Programme is offered by the Universidad Estadual de Campinas in Brazil;
- The "Labour Policies and Globalisation" Programme is offered by the University of Kassel and the Berlin School of Economics in Germany;
- The "Globalisation and Labour" Programme is offered by the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in India.
Participants have also the possibility to study one term of the programme in South Africa or Brazil and one term in Germany.
A limited number of scholarships will be awarded to applicants from developing and transition economies. Applicants need to have the endorsement of a trade union to apply for a scholarship. The grant is conditional on a contribution of 1500 euros from the supporting trade union or another donor.
Women are strongly encouraged to participate. Interested trade unionists should apply now. The deadline for submission is 1 Sep 2008 for the Summer Semester 2008/2009 (in Brazil or South Africa). More detailed information and application forms are available on the GLU website at: http://www.global-labour-university.org/