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Global Labour University calls for applications

17 January, 2012Master Courses in Labour Policies and Globalisation are about to start in Germany and India. Trade unionists and labour activists are invited to apply.

GLOBAL: The Global Labour University (GLU) invites trade unionists and labour activists to apply to its Masters in "Labour Policies and Globalisation"
offered in Germany, or the Masters in "Globalisation and Labour" offered in India.  For application and programme details, please visit http://www.global-labour-university.org/.  

The Global Labour University provides a space in which theory meets practice, discussing and shaping new ideas to meet the global challenges for labour.

Since the Global Labour University was established in 2004, 214 students coming from more than 50 countries have completed one of the GLU Masters programmes.  

Deadline for applications is 1 March, 2012.  A limited number of scholarships are available.