8 October, 2009IMF affiliates encouraged to participate in discussion on integrating migration policies in development strategies for the benefit of all at the People's Global Action Events from November 3-5, which coincides with the Global Forum on Migration in Athens.
GLOBAL: "Integrating migration policies in development strategies for the benefit of all" is the theme of the 2009 Global Forum on Migration and Development, the preceding Civil Society Days and the People's Global Action Events in Athens this November, 2009.
The IMF will join representatives from the International Trade Union Confederation, Building and Wood Workers' International, Public Services International, UNI Global Union, International Textile, Garment, and Leather Workers' Federation and various national trade union and sector unions from around the world in the debate.
The trade union representatives will be participating in the People's Global Action Events from November 3-5. IMF will also participate in specific sectoral meetings in the morning and the main Global Unions Forum on Migration and Development in the afternoon on November 4. A delegation of union representatives will then participate in a joint trade union and civil society meeting on November 5.
These events are happening alongside the Global Forum on Migration and Development, which is a state-led, voluntary, informal, and non-binding dialogue focusing on how migration can help achieve development goals. The Forum brings together senior policymakers from around the world to exchange experiences, identify best practices, and foster interstate cooperation in leveraging migration for the benefit of development.
IMF affiliates are encouraged to participate in the People's Global Action Events on November 3 and 5 in Athens. For more information, please contact Tos Añonuevo, the Education Secretary of the Building and Wood Workers' International at: [email protected]
The following week, the IMF is holding a workshop on migrant workers as precarious workers on November 11 and 12 in Bangkok, Thailand. In preparation for this meeting, the IMF has published the results of a survey on migrant worker sin the metal industry. For a copy of the survey, available in English and Spanish, go to: http://www.imfmetal.org/index.cfm?c=20799&l=2