8 December, 2011November 23-25 the Gerdau Workers' World Council met in Paipa, Colombia. The Council approved an action plan for 2011-2012 that will be distributed shortly to all unions belonging to the Council.
GLOBAL: Among other decisions for the year 2012 the Council agreed to increase the internal support by adding a second coordinator, to continue communicating regularly about the situation in each country and each plant, to increase the pressure for the recognition of the Council by Gerdau and to fight for the creation of a Joint International Health and Safety Committee. Manuel Campos, IMF representative in Brazil, will be the second coordinator of the international council. Jorge Garcia-Orgales (USW) will continue serving as coordinator of the Council.
The Council resolved to show support to workers in Tubos Caribe/Tenaris. Tubos Caribe is trying to weaken the union by firing unionized workers. Support was also given to workers of Proenvases Crown and Aluminios Reynolds, two companies in Barranquilla, Colombia, announced to be closed due to the free trade agreement between Colombia and the United States. See the attached letters, approved by the Council.
The last day of the meeting participants visited the Gerdau plant in Tuta. The plant manager publicly welcomed the International Council at the cafeteria during the lunch hour. Many workers having lunch had the opportunity to mingle with the members of the Council.
For more information, see the IMF web page on Gerdau Workers' World Council, and contact Jorge Garcia-Orgales ([email protected]).