15 October, 2010Global and European trade union representatives in the steel sector call for a sustainable industry based on long-term investment, job security, environmental modernization, trade policy for workers and active routes for worker participation.
UNITED KINGDOM: Meeting in Cardiff on October13-14, the International and European Metalworkers' Federations (IMF and EMF) issued a call for a social and environmental pact for a strong and sustainable steel industry.
Millions of steelworkers globally have found themselves victims of the global crisis, together with many more workers in the local supply chain and subcontractors dependent on the steel industry.
Faced with this situation, the EMF-IMF call is for the enforcement of five pillars of sustainability for the global and European steel industry:
- Long-term investment in plants and workers
- Employment security and safety
- Environmental modernization and social responsibility
- A trade policy working for workers
- Active routes for worker participation
The joint EMF-IMF steel statement: Anticipating change for a sustainable global and European steel industry can be found here: http://www.emf-fem.org/Press/Press-releases/Anticipating-change-for-asustainable-global-and-European-steel-industry
The conference in Cardiff was attended by some 60 trade union representatives from 16 countries: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Spain, Finland, India, Italy, Netherlands, Russia, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK.