24 June, 2011Union representatives in the newly merged Fiat and Chrysler auto company and Fiat Industrial met in Turin, Italy, to create a global union network in the car giant and push for an International Framework Agreement.

ITALY: June 21-22 a meeting hosted by the International Metalworkers Federation (IMF) took place in Turin, Italy, at the Trainings Centre of the International Labour Organisation.
Union representatives from Fiat Spa, Fiat Industrial and Chrysler from Italy, Poland, Czech Republic, Serbia, France, Spain, Germany and USA participated.
It was the first meeting for worker representatives from both Fiat and Chrysler. UAW President Bob King led the delegation from the US.
The main priority of this meeting was the creation and maintenance of a Fiat/Chrysler global network.
The participants confirmed that international cooperation of worker representatives and unions is absolutely necessary to avoid that workers are played off against each other; more so in a time of crisis, when there are risks of plants closures and job losses. Therefore, the main purpose of this first meeting was to create a sustainable structure of a further Fiat/Chrysler global network.
The participants agreed that a coordinator and contact persons from each country will run this network, gather and distribute important information and organise mutual support and common actions, under the leadership of IMF. They also decided to keep a single network for Fiat Spa and Fiat Industrial
As modelled on other companies with European Works Councils (EWC), the global meetings will be organized in connection with the EWC meeting each year. Later, the meeting will be held also in countries outside Europe where Fiat/Chrysler has important facilities.
Bob King, President of UAW, Maurizio Landini, General Secretary of FIOM, Bruno Vitali, National Secretary of FIM, Eros Panicali, National Secretary UILM and a representative from Brazil will form the political steering group for the Network, and handle contacts with the company management.
The first common initiative will be a formal request to the companies' CEOs to open negotiations for the recognition of a World Works Council (WWC) and an International Framework Agreement.
Union representatives from Fiat Spa, Fiat Industrial and Chrysler from Italy, Poland, Czech Republic, Serbia, France, Spain, Germany and USA participated.
It was the first meeting for worker representatives from both Fiat and Chrysler. UAW President Bob King led the delegation from the US.
The main priority of this meeting was the creation and maintenance of a Fiat/Chrysler global network.
The participants confirmed that international cooperation of worker representatives and unions is absolutely necessary to avoid that workers are played off against each other; more so in a time of crisis, when there are risks of plants closures and job losses. Therefore, the main purpose of this first meeting was to create a sustainable structure of a further Fiat/Chrysler global network.
The participants agreed that a coordinator and contact persons from each country will run this network, gather and distribute important information and organise mutual support and common actions, under the leadership of IMF. They also decided to keep a single network for Fiat Spa and Fiat Industrial
As modelled on other companies with European Works Councils (EWC), the global meetings will be organized in connection with the EWC meeting each year. Later, the meeting will be held also in countries outside Europe where Fiat/Chrysler has important facilities.
Bob King, President of UAW, Maurizio Landini, General Secretary of FIOM, Bruno Vitali, National Secretary of FIM, Eros Panicali, National Secretary UILM and a representative from Brazil will form the political steering group for the Network, and handle contacts with the company management.
The first common initiative will be a formal request to the companies' CEOs to open negotiations for the recognition of a World Works Council (WWC) and an International Framework Agreement.