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Facts about DaimlerChrysler

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26 November, 2000The merger of Daimler and Chrysler is no longer a "merger of equals". Download facts about DaimlerChrysler -- in English, German and Spanish -- on "IMF Main Web" under "Publications".

GENEVA: When the merger of Daimler and Chrysler was announced, it was praised as a "merger of equals" and a model for globalisation.
Now that the dust has settled, the normal daily problems can be seen. In its last figures, Chrysler is showing a loss, so the "merger of equals" is no longer the case, and the chairman of DaimlerChrysler's management board, Jürgen E. Schrempp, has appointed German managers for the management board of Chrysler.
The merger has also been a challenge for the unions organising the workforce of this company. A working group made up of IG Metall, the Daimler Central Works' Council, the UAW and CAW was set up to elaborate structures for closer cooperation within this company.
Meanwhile, an International Working Group for DaimlerChrysler has been established in which representatives from the different countries with production facilities in the automobile division meet.
The information document, which can be downloaded under "Publications" on this website, was elaborated for the working group and shows the different plants and locations of the automobile division, their products, services, workforce, unionisation of the workforce and bodies of workers' representation like works' councils, where they exist. The aerospace and financial & services divisions are not included in the overview.
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