3 November, 2010The European Parliament adopts a series of recommendations on how to redress the disadvantage precarious women workers face.

EUROPE: Recognizing the disadvantages experienced by precarious women workers, the European Parliament set out a series of measures to be taken by national governments to redress the situation in a Resolution adopted on October 19, 2010.
The Resolution also recommends further specific legislative measures, such as introducing binding minimum social standards for employees and granting all employees equal access to social services and benefits, including maternity leave, health care, and pensions, regardless of their employment conditions.
The Resolutions states that precarious work affects women more than men and that the over-representation of women in precarious work is a key contributing factor to the gender pay gap.
The report underlines the need for unionization of women in precarious jobs and calls on the Member States to penalize those who create obstacles to trade union participation.
To see a copy of the resolution go to the European Metalworkers' Federation website here: http://www.emf-fem.org/Areas-of-work/Equal-Opportunities/European-Parliament-adopts-Resolution-on-women-in-precarious-work