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Europe is free, at last!

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5 October, 2000The International Metalworkers' Federation greets with joy the victory of the Serbian people, and the IMF general secretary, Marcello Malentacchi, gives his opinion on what must follow.

SERBIA: Yes, finally, Europe is free. The Serbian people have gotten rid of its dictator, Slobodan Milosevic. It is time now for reconstruction, to rebuild the economy and the political system, and Serbia will need help.
In his opinion column of today, October 6, the IMF general secretary speaks about the pre-conditions necessary to get Serbia on the road to recovery. Much is expected of the new president, Vojislav Kostunica, and he will need time.
To ensure that workers and their families benefit from the changes to come, says Malentacchi, the trade unions, all of them, will have to maintain their independence and autonomy. Otherwise, they will lose their credibility as a democratic and progressive force.
Read the opinion on the associated link.