15 June, 2011On June 9 and 10, the EMF held it's fourth congress in Duisburg, Germany and celebrated 40 years. The Congress elected new leadership, took another step towards the creation of a European Industrial Trade Union Federation and set out the political agenda for the next four years.
GERMANY: On June 9 and 10, over 500 delegates attended the European Metalworkers' Federation Congress in Duisburg, at Landshaftspark. On the occasion of the Congress the EMF celebrated its 40the anniversary. The main topics on the agenda were the election of new leadership, the move towards the creation of a new European Industrial Trade Union Federation, and setting out the political agenda for the next four years - based on their Congress slogan, "Investment - Fairness - Solidarity Now!"
Ulrich Eckelman, Director of IG Metall's Department of Economic, Technological and Environmental Policy since 1988 in Germany, was elected EMF General Secretary. Congress also re-elected both Renzo Ambrosetti, President of UNIA (Switzerland), as EMF President and Bart Samyn of ABVV Metaal (Belgium) as EMF Deputy General Secretary. President Renzo Ambrosetti on behalf of the EMF Executive Committee thanked Peter Scherer who has served as EMF General Secretary since 2005. (http://www.emf-fem.org/Press/Press-releases/EMF-Elects-New-Leadership)
The EMF Congress voted in favour of the creation of a new European Industrial Trade Union Federation which will bring together the EMF, the European Mine, Chemical and Energy Workers' Federation (EMCEF), and the European Trade Union Federation - Textiles, Clothing and Leather (ETUF-TCL). The three European trade union federations are already cooperating in various ways and there are hopes of even more effective deployment of resources and greater representativeness. (http://www.emf-fem.org/Press/Press-releases/EMF-votes-in-favour-of-new-European-Industry-Federation)
The EMF's political resolution dealt with issues of placing social and labour rights at the centre of the new global economic order, social and economic governance and a sustainable industrial policy delivering full employment.
To celebrate the 40 year anniversary of the European Metalworkers' Federation (1971 - 2011), the EMF has published a book titled Creating a Counterweight and Innovatory Force for European Workers (http://www.emf-fem.org/Press/Publications/Creating-a-counterweight-and-innovatory-force-for-European-workers) that provides an overview of the history of the organisation.
The Unions in Motion EMF Film Festival took place after the congress from June 10 evening and continued on June 11. The Global Union Film Short was launched at the festival, for more information see Unions in Motion programme (http://www.emf-fem.org/EMF-Congress-2011/Unions-in-Motion)