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14 December, 1999

The International Metalworkers' Federation does not normally interfere in a single country's domestic politics unless there are special reasons. However, now there is a special reason to speak up, about our host country, Switzerland.
I want to urge the people of this country, and the workers in particular, to go on the streets to support their president, Madame Ruth Dreifuss.
Apart from the fact that she is the first woman to serve as president of the country -- for the current year (according to the Swiss Constitution, Parliament elects a new president every year from among the 7 members of the governing Federal Council) -- she has been fighting like a lioness for the workers of Switzerland, more than anybody else has before.
She has adopted three main priorities: pensions, maternity leave and sickness and invalidity insurance.
She has been trying to push for legislation in this country which satisfies the needs of most of the people and which would be in line with most of the European Union countries. And she knows what she is doing for having worked for years in the head office of the Swiss Confederation of Trade Unions, fighting for equal rights.
You should not be surprised to learn that in terms of social achievements Switzerland leaves much to be desired.
Unfortunately, however, the Swiss voters turned their backs on Ruth Dreifuss and her party in the last general elections. The country has now turned more to the right than before, giving more votes to the UDC (Union Démocratique du Centre) and its leader, Christoph Blocher.
The UDC is part of the governing coalition and is now manoeuvring to get the only woman workers' representative off of the governing Federal Council.
If Blocher and his party manage to do it, the whole issue of social policy will fall and will be thrown into the dustbin by the majority of the Parliament.
This would be a catastrophe for the workers of Switzerland and their families.
I am sure that the trade unions of this country will not allow the reactionary forces of Christoph Blocher to bring down their strongest voice in Parliament and government. Christiane Brunner, the president of the Swiss Metalworkers' Union, has taken a strong position in support of Madame Ruth Dreifuss, and we absolutely want to add our voice to hers.
Switzerland is going through a very delicate phase of its history following the scandals associated with the World War II period, with the "Nazi gold" and Jewish accounts in Swiss banks, as well as money laundering connected with international crime.
The country needs internationally respected and credit-worthy people to improve its image, and Ruth Dreifuss is one of those who can do it. She has certainly shown it during the last 12 months while serving as the president of Switzerland.
Ruth, the International Metalworkers are with you!
I want to urge the people of this country, and the workers in particular, to go on the streets to support their president, Madame Ruth Dreifuss.
Apart from the fact that she is the first woman to serve as president of the country -- for the current year (according to the Swiss Constitution, Parliament elects a new president every year from among the 7 members of the governing Federal Council) -- she has been fighting like a lioness for the workers of Switzerland, more than anybody else has before.
She has adopted three main priorities: pensions, maternity leave and sickness and invalidity insurance.
She has been trying to push for legislation in this country which satisfies the needs of most of the people and which would be in line with most of the European Union countries. And she knows what she is doing for having worked for years in the head office of the Swiss Confederation of Trade Unions, fighting for equal rights.
You should not be surprised to learn that in terms of social achievements Switzerland leaves much to be desired.
Unfortunately, however, the Swiss voters turned their backs on Ruth Dreifuss and her party in the last general elections. The country has now turned more to the right than before, giving more votes to the UDC (Union Démocratique du Centre) and its leader, Christoph Blocher.
The UDC is part of the governing coalition and is now manoeuvring to get the only woman workers' representative off of the governing Federal Council.
If Blocher and his party manage to do it, the whole issue of social policy will fall and will be thrown into the dustbin by the majority of the Parliament.
This would be a catastrophe for the workers of Switzerland and their families.
I am sure that the trade unions of this country will not allow the reactionary forces of Christoph Blocher to bring down their strongest voice in Parliament and government. Christiane Brunner, the president of the Swiss Metalworkers' Union, has taken a strong position in support of Madame Ruth Dreifuss, and we absolutely want to add our voice to hers.
Switzerland is going through a very delicate phase of its history following the scandals associated with the World War II period, with the "Nazi gold" and Jewish accounts in Swiss banks, as well as money laundering connected with international crime.
The country needs internationally respected and credit-worthy people to improve its image, and Ruth Dreifuss is one of those who can do it. She has certainly shown it during the last 12 months while serving as the president of Switzerland.
Ruth, the International Metalworkers are with you!