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Developing activities on non-manual workers actively discussed

12 October, 2010Working Group on non-manual workers develops proposal on a workshop aimed at young workers in 2011.

GENEVA: Members of IMF Working Group for Non-manual Workers from Denmark, Germany, Italy, Japan, Sweden, UK, and the U.S. gathered at the IMF head office on October 6, 2010 to discuss on the agenda as follows:

  • Mainstreaming non-manual workers' issues in IMF's  activities
  • Communication and improving visibility of non-manual workers in IMF
  • Activity proposals for 2011
  • Towards a global federation of industrial workers
  • Progress report by Working Group members on 2010

In the meeting, while the definition of 'Non-manual' varies in respective countries, all the members shared a common sense of the term which includes wide-range/cross sectional workers such as young workers, ICT workers, professionals, technicians, engineers, administrative staffs, etc. 

The Working Group confirmed that IMF would develop the activities focusing on mainstreaming non-manual workers' issues in all IMF activities and union-building projects. The members also noted that they would provide materials, data, news, and information of their activities on organizing non-manual workers to improve visibility mainly through IMF website.

A workshop on organizing non-manual young workers proposed by Unionen and Unite the Union was also discussed in the meeting, and the Working Group decided to develop the process to hold the workshop as its main activity for 2011.

Reports of specific activities on organizing non-manual workers were also given by each of the members, and the group actively exchanged opinions to promote the activities in worldwide.

For further information, please contact Kan Matsuzaki , who has commenced working as the IMF director for non-manual workers.