30 September, 2010A short term diploma course on Labour Policies and Globalization will take place in Germany from April 1 until September 30, 2011. Trade unionists and labour movement activists are invited to apply for admission to this programme by no later than November 1, 2010.
GERMANY: The diploma in "Labour Policies and Globalization" is designed to help labour activists and trade unionists acquire additional knowledge and tools that enable them to take an active part in public debate and the process of policy formulation and implementation.
For further details on the programme, fees, scholarships, and the application procedure, visit the website here or send an email to: [email protected]. The courses run each year from April 1 at the Berlin School of Economics and Law and will continue at the University of Kassel from mid-May until mid-July.
The diploma in "Labour Policies and Globalization" consists of a 3.5 month academic program and a two month internship. The program addresses the request of many trade unions to offer an academic program for trade unionists who cannot commit to the full year for a masters program.
The course of study includes five modules focussing on global wage policies, global finance, global trade, development economics, and participation in global governance. Courses will be taught by experienced teaching staff at the University of Kassel and the Berlin School of Economics and Law in Germany, which are both part of the Global Labour University, and international guest lecturers.
The eight week internship will take place between mid-July and the end of September depending on the needs of the welcoming institution and the intern.