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Day of Action for South Korea

26 June, 2002June 27, thousands of trade unionists around the world took protest action calling for the immediate release of imprisoned trade unionists in South Korea.

REP. OF KOREA/GLOBAL: June 27, trade unions around the world participated in a Day of Action, calling for the immediate release of imprisoned trade unionists in Korea. Currently, a total of 52 South Korean trade unionists are in prison on account of their legitimate trade union activities, including Dan Byung-ho, president of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU). Update: April 3, 2003, Dan Byung-ho was released from prison, having served the full term of a 20-month prison sentence. Click here to read more. Update: July 3, 2002, two trade union leaders were released from prison as a result of the Day of Action. Click here to read more. Examples of actions taken on June 27: On June 28, the Korean Metalworkers' Federation thanked the IMF and the IMF affiliates for their solidarity actions. Click here to read their letter. The Public Services International (PSI) joined the IMF in calling on all their affiliates to take action and the Global Unions was also backing the protest action (see www.global-unions.org/korea2002). The German IMF-affiliate IG Metall, in cooperation with Amnesty International, has also launched the campaign MAYDAY, calling upon the public to help politically persecuted trade unionists. Click here to read more about the IG Metall campaign. See also our sheet of Frequently asked questions about the Day of Action. Click here to reach a collection of pictures from different actions around the world. Do you want to take concrete action? Send a digital letter of protest to Kim Dae-jung. Are you in doubt that the South Korean police assault trade unionists? View a video showing riot police attacking workers.
The Day of Action follows on from previous action taken by metalworkers on January 22, action which is believed to be partly responsible for the release of Mun Sung-hyun, former president of the Korean Metal Workers' Federation (KMWF), on March 26, 2002. Click here to read more about the previous Day of Action.