9 September, 2009Industrial workers' unions meet to develop common position on climate change prior to the United Nations' COP 15 conference.

GLOBAL: The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 15) is taking place in December 2009 in Copenhagen. The international trade union movement is playing a role in this process to support a binding international agreement that will provide a framework for combating global warming, while at the same time safeguarding employment and workers' rights.
In order to discuss and put forward a common industrial workers' position, IMF, International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers' Unions (ICEM), European Metalworkers' Federation (EMF) and European Mine, Chemical and Energy Workers` Federation (EMCEF) are holding a joint meeting entitled "Cutting Emissions, Transforming Jobs" in Germany on October 14 and 15.
IMF, ICEM, EMF and EMCEF will use this event to arrive at a common position on climate change to take forward to the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 15) in December in Copenhagen.
The meeting will be structured in panel discussions around the main themes of environmental protection, sustainable development, sectoral concerns, green jobs and just transition. It will then discuss the unifying principles and materials to be prepared for future work.