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9 November, 2009
For the World Day for Decent Work The Metalworkers' Trade Union of Croatia (SMH) joined in organizing with their Croatian umbrella organization - Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia (SSSH/UATUC).
Activities included:
• SMH complaints before the Constitutional Court regarding the "crisis tax": around 10,000 copies of complaints of SMH members were submitted to the Constitutional Court, demanding the evaluation of constitutionality hence withdrawal and cancellation of the controversial so-called "crisis tax" which the Government introduced on wages and all forms of income in Croatia, as of 1 August 2009.
• SMH demonstration and petition organized including demands to the Government of the Republic of Croatia to postpone the privatization of Croatian shipyards, in order to ensure better quality of preparation for the privatization and better economic and social timing.
• Postcard bombardment (UATUC and NHS): 10,000 postcards were sent to 31 addresses: the Government of the Republic of Croatia, ministries, members of the Parliament and Croatian Employers' Association. The postcard included demands of the trade unions ("We want to work and live of our work"); logos of the ITUC, WDDW, UATUC and NHS, mention of the World day for decent work 07.09.09., The back of the card also included demands, reminding the Government of the need to adopt and implement policies which lead to decent work and decent life of Croatian citizens. We demand the adoption of a clear economic policy, with strategic outlooks and reform of the current system ("Greetings from Croatian workers deprived of their rights, who have been working for years on fixed-term contracts, on minimum wage, without paid overtime... Return dignity to our work, also by the forthcoming amendments to the Labour Code!").
• Press conference (UATUC and NHS): a press conference was held on 6 October 2009 - UATUC President Mrs. Ana Knežević, NHS President Mr. Krešimir Sever, and Dijana Šobota, head of UATUC International Department and Youth Officer, informed the public on the planned activities and on the situation in Croatia with regard to decent work and decent wages, especially the consequences of the crisis. Postcards were distributed to the media representatives. A letter was sent to the Government of the Republic of Croatia.
• Youth sections (UATUC and NHS): continued with the campaign of the so-called Complaints book. A protest letter was sent to the Prime Minister Mrs. Jadranka Kosor, with the demands of the young trade unionists.
• Women's section (UATUC): demands for the ratification of the ILO Convention No. 183; rally of women trade unionists on the Main Square of Zagreb, with banners and T-shirts, with messages (gender pay gap, respect for work of women, etc.); distribution of a leaflet with information on gender pay gap and other problems affecting women at the labor market; pantomime with a sketch on female and male work; a badge lacking 16% - emphasizing the wage gap in Croatia.
• UATUC LGBT Project "Together against the discrimination at the workplace": cooperation with the lesbian group Kontra, Iskorak - Centre for the rights of sexual and gender minorities and M.I.A. - Institute for mobilization, intervention and action: a series of seminars for trade union representatives, shop stewards etc. on discrimination at workplace based on sexual orientation; creation of a manual.