12 January, 2012A delegation of locked-out workers from Cooper Tire in the USA meets Serbian union leaders to discuss common approaches and mutual support when dealing with the company.

US/SERBIA: United Steelworkers (USW) has informed that a delegation from Local 207L at Cooper Tire and Rubber Co.'s Findlay, Ohio plant and an international union representative are meeting leaders of the Serbian union Nezavisnost representing workers at Cooper's recently purchased tire plant in Krusevac, Serbia.
During one week the US delegation and their Serbian colleagues will discuss joint work within Cooper and how workers in the two countries can support each other.
Earlier, after the company's announcement of plans to purchase a tire plant in Serbia the president of the Serbian union Nezavisnost, Milorad Panovich, called upon the company to end the lockout in Findlay and pledged support for the 1,051 workers locked out by Cooper in the USA.
USW International President Leo W. Gerard commented that international solidarity is especially important in the case of disputes with multinational employers, where a direct link for sharing information can be helpful for workers on both sides of the Atlantic.
The situation at Cooper Tire in Findlay remains difficult, and USW continues to reach out to different groups in the US society and abroad.
"The company locked out 1,050 workers in Findlay, Ohio," Gerard said, "but our fight is anywhere and everywhere the company does business until our members are back to work with a fair contract."
USW has declared Saturday, January 14, a National Day of Action, with events in over 100 US cities to support locked out workers.
During one week the US delegation and their Serbian colleagues will discuss joint work within Cooper and how workers in the two countries can support each other.
Earlier, after the company's announcement of plans to purchase a tire plant in Serbia the president of the Serbian union Nezavisnost, Milorad Panovich, called upon the company to end the lockout in Findlay and pledged support for the 1,051 workers locked out by Cooper in the USA.
USW International President Leo W. Gerard commented that international solidarity is especially important in the case of disputes with multinational employers, where a direct link for sharing information can be helpful for workers on both sides of the Atlantic.
The situation at Cooper Tire in Findlay remains difficult, and USW continues to reach out to different groups in the US society and abroad.
"The company locked out 1,050 workers in Findlay, Ohio," Gerard said, "but our fight is anywhere and everywhere the company does business until our members are back to work with a fair contract."
USW has declared Saturday, January 14, a National Day of Action, with events in over 100 US cities to support locked out workers.