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Congress adopts statement on terrorism

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13 November, 2001800 delegates from 100 countries adopt a statement on the struggle against terrorism.

SYDNEY: The 30th IMF World Congress, composed of 800 delegates from 100 countries, has adopted a statement on the struggle against terrorism. "Although not a unanimous vote, the overwhelming majority in favor of the statement shows that we are able to put aside our differences and personal views, and unite behind a call for the fight against terrorism," IMF assistant general secretary Brian Fredricks says. "In addressing the question of terror, the Congress also - in a spirit of solidarity - addresses the issue of poverty," Fredricks stresses. Below follows the text of the adopted statement, in English. Links to the statement in other languages can be found at the bottom of this page.
IMF Statement on the Struggle against Terrorism The IMF and its affiliates meeting at the IMF's 30 World Congress in Sydney, Australia from 11-15 November 2001, reiterate their outrage and condemnation of the terrorist attacks in the USA on September 11, 2001 which led to the death of over 5,000 innocent American and foreign civilians, and injured thousands more. We express our full solidarity, sympathy and friendship with the families of the victims in the USA and abroad.. This unprecedented terrorist act is an attack on the fundamental human rights to freedom, security and self-determination. It is an attack on the human dignity of all peoples and the basic values of peace and democracy which the international trade union movement has upheld and fought for throughout its entire history. Terrorism such as on September 11 in the USA or in any other forms has no place in our world. The IMF and its affiliates support the global efforts to combat terrorism, and urges nations to make common cause in bringing to justice and punishing those responsible for the barbarism and cruelty of the September 11 attacks. This Congress recognizes that military actions as authorized by international law should be conducted so as to serve a primary goal to protect innocent civilian lives. That is why the IMF also calls on the international community to take all possible measures for the protection of the rights and well-being of innocent civilians and refugees in its struggle against terrorism. Moreover, the international community must address the root causes that swell the ranks of terrorists. The fight against terrorism must remove the appeal of fanatical causes by dealing with poverty and underdevelopment, displacement, desperation and bitterness that are nurtured by a fundamentally unjust global order. Poverty, injustice and policies that favor one people over another invariably provide recruits for the armies of the intolerant. The fight against terrorism is also a fight against tax havens and lax financial regulations which, in the name of liberalism, have facilitated the financing of these murderous activities. The IMF has long struggled for appropriate measures to eliminate illegitimate financial transactions. Lasting peace can only be based on social progress and the full respect of human rights and self-determination everywhere in the world. It requires a broad international commitment to fight the glaring inequalities between and within countries and the implementation of even-handed policies with respect to contending national and ethnic groups. The IMF therefore urges its affiliates to build political pressure on their governments to take specific actions to foster democracy and a balanced economic and social development for all. This must also include policy initiatives by national governments towards the United Nations and other international institutions of global governance in furtherance of these goals. ===================================== Español / Spanish Click here En francais / French Click here Auf deutsch / German Click here In italiano / Italian Clich here Svenska / Swedish Click here English Click here