15 March, 2008Colombian workers at the nickel mine continue their strike in support of a pay rise and open-ended employment contracts for temporary workers.

COLOMBIA: Workers at Cerro Matoso and the Montelíbano community organised another march on Sunday March 16 in support of their strike for improved working conditions.
The strike at the nickel mine began on February 27 after the company refused the proposals put forward by the union.
The union, SINTRACERROMATOSO, issued a press release saying that the march's objective is to put pressure on the Cerro Matoso company, owned by the multinational BHP Billiton, to negotiate in good faith on important issues such as which workers are covered (Campo de Aplicación) by the collective agreement, policy on health services and education, pay and contracts.
The union said, "some contractors are only paying the minimum legal wage to workers so we have asked the company to ensure all temporary workers are paid the proper rate for the job."
"Let us remember", it continued "that working conditions are hazardous, with high levels of dust, noise, metal fumes, silica and radiation."
Trade unions with members at companies owned by the multinational in various countries have indicated they are ready to mobilise in solidarity with the workers at Cerro Matoso.
The IMF has sent messages of solidarity, offering help in finding a solution to the dispute and supporting the union's and the workers' efforts to achieve decent working conditions. The union is affiliated to UTRAMMICOL.