24 September, 2008Members of Unite and USW were "Workers Uniting" outside Potosh Corporation's analyst's meeting in an effort to press the company to return to the bargaining table and reach settlement.
UK: British metal union Unite joined forces with Canadian USW members outside Potosh Corporation's 2008 Analyst Meeting in London on September 23 in an effort to urge the company to return to the bargaining table. USW members in Canada have been on strike at PotachCorp since August.
The strikers are fighting for a fair share of the company's enormous profits as a result of the record prices being paid for the mineral fertiliser potash.
The steelworkers handed out leaflets outlining PotashCorp's performance since the strike began and informing analysts and investors about the dispute - placing responsibility on PotashCorp's President, Bill Doyle and Executive Vice President/Chief Financial Officer Wayne Brownlee, who were at the meeting.
On July 2, USW and Unite announced plans to merge the two unions to create, Workers Uniting, a transatlantic global union representing over three million working people from every industrial sector in Britain, Ireland, the USA, Canada and the Caribbean.