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Bosch and Brembo workers remain united

23 September, 2009Bosch and Brembo workers in Pune, India continue to strike despite pressure tactics from management.

INDIA: Permanent and temporary workers remain united at the Bosch and Brembo plants in Pune, India, after 66 days of being on strike and despite pressure tactics from management and employers in the region.

The workers went on strike on July 18 demanding the implementation of pay rises stipulated in the 2007 collective bargaining agreement. Significantly the workers' demands also include equal pay for equal work with precariously employed workers, trainees and permanent workers in unity in the fight, which is being lead by the Bosch Chassis Systems Kamgar Sanghatana (Employees Union) and supported by IMF affiliates and independent unions in the region. Prominent social workers are also supporting the strike

In recent days management at the two companies proposed a settlement, subject to the condition that not a single contract worker or trainee will be taken back. The union did not accept the proposal and stated that all contract workers (131) and trainees (43) should be taken back in three batches with improved wages and conditions of employment.

The management is holding talks with the union in the presence of the commissioner of Labour and has threatened to close down its operations in Pune if the union fails to accept its proposal on contract workers. Various petitions by management to the industrial courts to deem the strike illegal have been denied. Meanwhile the union is continuing to pursue legal measures to prevent the use of strike breaking labour at the two plants.

"The companies in the region are employing all kinds of pressure tactics to ensure that the strike fails, as it will break down the morale of contract workers not only in Bosch & Brembo, but the whole industrial area," explained IMF regional representative Sudharshan Roa Sarde, adding, "As such, all unions are collectively doing their best and coordinating efforts to sustain the strike".  

IMF and its affiliates organized in Bosch in Germany and Brembo in Italy are offering solidarity support to the workers.

From October 3 to 10, IMF affiliates around the world are taking the fight to governments, calling on them to ensure equal rights for precarious workers and to strengthen legislation to prevent employers from using precarious employment in place of permanent and direct employment.