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26 July, 2000An official complaint has been made to the ILO over Belarus' treatment of trade unions.

BELARUS: At the beginning of July, ICFTU general secretary Bill Jordan headed a trade
union delegation in Minsk, the Belarus capital, to demonstrate international
trade union support for the complaint to the ILO over Belarus' treatment of trade unions. He met with the presidential administration, the prime minister and the minister of justice to urge the Belarus authorities to amend their policies and attitudes to trade unions.
The trade union complaint concerns president Lukashenko's autocratic method of government, and his need to control all aspects of political life in Belarus, including trade unions. The complaint has received strong international trade union support.
The trade unions want to see Belarus integrated into Europe and the global economy, and say that proper observance of ILO standards would be an important sign by the Belarussian government to show that it was ready to do so. In the meantime the ICFTU will be launching an international campaign concerning trade union rights problems in Belarus.
The trade union complaint concerns president Lukashenko's autocratic method of government, and his need to control all aspects of political life in Belarus, including trade unions. The complaint has received strong international trade union support.
The trade unions want to see Belarus integrated into Europe and the global economy, and say that proper observance of ILO standards would be an important sign by the Belarussian government to show that it was ready to do so. In the meantime the ICFTU will be launching an international campaign concerning trade union rights problems in Belarus.