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Autoworkers in Iran launch strike to end use of contract work

8 July, 2008Thousands of workers at the Iran Khodro car manufacturing plant are protesting the exploitation of precarious workers and demanding better wages and conditions.

IRAN: What began as a hunger strike launched on June 28 has grown to a full-scale strike as thousands of workers at Iran Khodro, the country's largest auto manufacturer, walked off the job to win wage and conditions improvements.

Workers' demands include:

  • Prohibited entry of security guards to workstations;
  • An end to mandatory over-time;
  • Increases in productivity benefits;
  • Wage increases in line with cost of living adjustments;
  • An end to temporary contracts allowing for the hiring of workers on a permanent basis;
  • An end to the expansion of subcontracting companies; and
  • Participation of workers' representatives in key decision making committees.

Workers are protesting the company's use of contracts and temporary work agencies to deny workers basic labour rights and decent working conditions. Many contract and temporary employees of Iran Khodro have worked there for as long as 10 years and are often forced to work overtime.