25 June, 2008"Collective bargaining lifts pay and community standards" say Australian unions in new television advertisements.
AUSTRALIA: Unions released two new television advertisements in Australia on June 21 highlighting the value of collective bargaining for workers.
The advertisements are a continuation of the Your Rights at Work campaign, which was a critical factor in changing Australia's government at the federal election last year, and are aimed at ensuring the workplace laws being drafted by the new government provide for:
- the right to bargain collectively
- protection from unfair dismissal
- the right to be represented by a union
- better pay and conditions
- the right to a say in their workplace.
The advertisements feature real workers highlighting the value of collective bargaining in delivering better pay and conditions as well as improved standards that can benefit the whole community.
Through collective bargaining workers in dangerous industries such as construction have achieved better safety standards, teachers have won lower class sizes for their students, nurses have lifted the standard of patient care through nurse-patient ratios and many women workers have achieved paid maternity leave.
Launching the advertisements, Australian Council of Trade Unions Secretary Jeff Lawrence said, "This week we have seen the release of new National Employment Standards by the Rudd Government that will help protect the basic rights of workers. This is another good step, but a lot more still needs to be done to get rid of Work Choices."
The ads can be viewed at: http://www.actu.asn.au/
A special report examining the Your Rights at Work campaign was published in the latest issue of Metal World, IMF's regular journal, and can be viewed at: www.imfmetal.org/sr2-2008