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30 June, 2009

  1. Admission
    1. Admission of a metalworkers' union to the IMF is acted upon based on a written application.
    2. Such an application must contain the name of the applicant, number and nature of membership seeking application.
    3. Applicants shall express their willingness to abide by all rules and policies of the Federation.
    4. If an applicant is from a country where one or more IMF affiliates exist, the General Secretary must inform the affiliates about the application and request for their comments concerning the application.
    5. Requests for affiliation, together with all relevant accompanying documents must be submitted with a recommendation by the Secretariat to the Executive Committee.
    6. Admission requires a unanimous decision by the Executive Committee.
    7. If objections are raised by any Executive Committee member the first time an affiliation is requested, the affiliation will be referred to the IMF Secretariat for response to the specific objection(s).
    8. The affiliation request concerned will then be reconsidered by the Executive Committee.
    9. If unanimous decision is not reached by the Executive  Committee at this time, the affiliation request will then be forwarded to the next meeting of the Central Committee, which  in turn will decide by a majority vote.
    10. Affiliation of a new union is effective when the subscription has been paid in accordance with the Rules.
  2. Suspension and Expulsion
    1. Expulsion from the Federation shall take place on the decision of the Central Committee under the following conditions:
      1. Affiliate acts against the interest of the IMF, and/or
      2. Affiliate is in arrears with two annual subscriptions, which are not paid after notices have been given.
    2. The Executive Committee is authorised to suspend the affiliation of any union prior to the Central Committee.
    3. An appeal against the decision of expulsion can be made at the succeeding IMF Congress.
  3. Resignation
    1. An affiliate may resign by giving written notice to the General Secretary six months before the end of the calendar year.