2 June, 2008Preparations for the global mobilization of affiliates against precarious work in September and October high on agenda of the IMF Executive Committee meeting last week.
JAPAN: Preparations for the global mobilization of IMF affiliates against precarious work in September and October were high on the agenda of the IMF Executive Committee meeting held in Kyoto, Japan on May 29 and 30.
Participants at the meeting reported on the various actions being prepared in different countries and regions around the world for the global week of action against precarious work from September 30 to October 7.
Participants were welcomed to the meeting by Nobuaki Koga, the General Secretary of the Japanese Trade Union Confederation (Rengo), who spoke about the massive increase in the number of precarious workers in Japan leading to a widening gap in how workers are treated. A point that was further emphasised in a presentation given by Professor Ken'ichi Yasumuro on economic growth and workers' rights in Asia.
The Executive Committee also adopted a discussion paper on global union federations and the future of the international trade union movement setting out IMFs long-term vision for strengthening the global trade union movement.
Berberi Tahar, the General Secretary of the FGME-UGTT in Tunisia was accepted as a new member of the Executive Committee.