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A spotlight on climate change

1 December, 2009The latest issue of Metal World, published online December 1, calls attention to the upcoming climate change conference in Copenhagen, features engineers at Astrium staying at the cutting edge of technology to tackle climate change, and profiles union activist Ainur Kurmanov's struggle in Kazakhstan.

GLOBAL: As the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change conferencee in Copenhagen (COP-15) approaches, the latest issue of Metal World has granted particular focus to the topic. After October's climate change meeting jointly held by IMF, ICEM, EMF and EMCEF a special report takes an in depth look at climate change and the position industrial workers will take in Copenhagen.

Industrial trade union federations representing workers globally in a number of sectors will be in Copenhagen in December 2009 demanding a strong legally-binding, comprehensive global agreement ensuring ambitious reductions of green house gas emissions and that social justice and long-term employment are integral elements of the package.

To match the climate theme, Metal World features the cutting edge technology being developed by engineers at Astrium where satellites used to measure the earth's climate are developed and manufactured. Their union, Unite, helps Astrium stay at the forefront of technology by fighting for better pay and conditions, enabling the company to recruit and train the best people for this work.

After being viciously attacked Ainur Kurmanov, a trade union activist in Kazakhstan, talks about his struggle to create new, independent unions in the profile on the back page of the latest issue of Metal World.