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26 September, 1999The Norwegian metalworkers' union, Fellesforbundet, has decided to increase its international solidarity activities.
OSLO: Last week, the Congress of Fellesforbundet agreed that the Executive Committee, which meets once a month, follow closely the process of European collective bargaining cooperation. In the debate, which was preceded by speeches from EMF General Secretary Reinhard Kuhlmann and Fellesforbundet President Kjell Bjørndalen, the concept of closer European collective bargaining cooperation was given strong support. Norway is not a member of the European Union.
Following speeches by IFBWW General Secretary Ulf Asp and Fellesforbundet President Kjell Bjørndalen, the Congress actively supported a motion for more Fellesforbundet international trade union solidarity initiatives. The aim is to get its local trade unions more active in this important field.
Following speeches by IFBWW General Secretary Ulf Asp and Fellesforbundet President Kjell Bjørndalen, the Congress actively supported a motion for more Fellesforbundet international trade union solidarity initiatives. The aim is to get its local trade unions more active in this important field.