10 June, 2010IMF invites affiliates to participate in "A Global Agenda for Quality Public Services", a conference taking place in Geneva October 12 to 14, 2010.

GLOBAL: A landmark conference entitled "A Global Agenda for Quality Public Services" is taking place from October 12 - 14, 2010, in Geneva, Switzerland.
The event is organized by the Council of Global Unions, which includes Public Services International (PSI) and ten other global union federations, plus the International Trade Union Confederation and the Trade Union Advisory Committee at the OECD. The IMF also supports this conference as it also believes that quality public services provide the essential foundation for decent work, democracy, equity, and quality of life for all citizens.
"Whether we work in the private or public sectors, quality public services benefit us as individuals, and our families and communities. Quality public services provide the social supports and stable jobs that build sustainable economies and societies. Investment in quality public services is a key solution to the current economic crisis," writes IMF General Secretary Jyrki Raina in a letter of invitation to IMF affiliates.
Featuring discussion with international speakers, this conference will chart innovative strategies to improve and expand quality public services around the world. Everyone is invited to add comments and suggestions now and throughout the conference to the proposed global charter and action plan for quality public services.
The 400+ conference participants will include trade union, civil society and government representatives from across the globe. It's a dynamic opportunity to strengthen alliances around public service issues.
For further details, please find a copy of the invitation letter, draft program of the conference, draft Charter, background document and a pre-registration form at: http://www.qpsconference.org/
IMF affiliates interested in attending should send the pre-registration form to Carla Coletti (and copied to Héctor Mareque) by Friday June 18, 2010.