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700 striking workers fired at Billiton company

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2 October, 2001Mozal, an aluminium producer in Mozambique, dismisses all workers and uses the police and dogs to evict them from the plant.

MOZAMBIQUE/SOUTH AFRICA: Today (October 3), after only several hours of strike action at Mozal, a Billiton aluminium plant near Maputo, the 700 striking workers -- members of the IMF-affiliated SINTIME trade union - were formally dismissed by the company, which used police and dogs to evict the workers from the premises. The dispute began over workers' demands for:
  • the right to proper collective bargaining,
  • the right to strike,
  • improved working conditions,
  • better wages,
  • an end to discrimination.
In an attempt to break the strike, Mozal tried various strategies. On October 2, the company accused the senior shop steward of intimidating workers and then had him arrested and detained by police for four hours. It also recruited 150 white workers in South Africa to be used as scab labour. The company issued the letters of dismissal without any previous ultimatum.
In view of this situation, the IMF's regional office, the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa and SINTIME are coordinating solidarity action by workers in all plants owned by Billiton in South Africa. Numsa will try to set up a meeting with top Billiton management and along with the IMF is sending protest letters to the company. From October 4, all workers from different Billiton plants will begin picket action to put pressure on management. A southern African Billiton meeting is being set up by the IMF's regional office for October 6.
The IMF would ask its affiliates, particularly those organising in Billiton plants, to raise this issue with Billiton management. Protest letters can be addressed as follows:
  • Mohammed Seedat, Vice-President
    BHP Billiton, Southern Africa
    Fax: (27/35) 908-8160
  • Mike Salamon, Executive Director
    BHP Billiton Plc
    London WC2N 5HA
    Fax: (44/207) 747-3900
  • K. Ngquta, Managing Director
    Industrial Development Corporation
    Fax: (27/11) 269-3113
We would also request messages of solidarity be sent to the striking Billiton workers, via the SINTIME union, on:
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: (258/1) 421-671 or 422-141.