15 December, 2008New 2008 edition of the IMF comparison of working time capacity in different countries.

GENEVA: The International Metalworkers' Federation released its 2008 edition of the "Purchasing Power of Working Time" report, examining metalworkers' purchasing power worldwide, based on net hourly earnings in 2007.
The publication surveyed the purchasing power in more than 60 countries and shows the working time needed for the purchase of a range of consumer items including clothing, food, rent and other basic expenses.
The report addresses the differences in standards of living between workers performing the same quantity and quality of work, differences resulting from the gaps in the purchasing power of their incomes.
"The Purchasing Power of Working Time 2008," is printed in English, French, German and Spanish. To download Pdf-versions in these languages, go to: www.imfmetal.org/publications. To read the on-line version of the publication go to www.imfmetal.org/purchasingpower2008.