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21 April, 2002The one-day countrywide strike paralysed industrial activity throughout the country.

INDIA: The IMF Regional Office for South Asia reports that the April 16 nationwide strike in protest against the government's privatisation and anti-labour policies was the largest in recent years. Approximately 10 million workers stayed off the job during the one-day industrial action.
Although the strike call was issued by trade unions operating in the state-owned public sector, the response was so quick and massive that in some states, like West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh, there was total solidarity with the strike, paralysing commercial and industrial activities.
Workers are fed up with government anti-labour policies such as its attempts to liberalise labour laws and introduce "hire-and-fire" legislation and have warned of further intensification of their struggle if the government's policies are not changed. The national trade union centres will meet in early May to take stock of the situation and map out the next phase of their action.