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13 November, 2008

Statement of Xstrata Union Leaders

We as leaders of unions representing workers at Xstrata have met in Montreal, Quebec on October 15 and 16, 2008.

We have exchanged information and discussed our experiences.

We are concerned that Xstrata’s actions are having a negative impact on workers and communities around the world. We expect Xstrata to operate at the highest labour and environmental standards around the world.

We agreed as follows:
• To support members of CAW 599 in their struggle in Timmins, Ontario, Canada with the company.
• To find concrete ways to offer stronger support to each other during collective bargaining, especially for unions entering into bargaining in 2008 and 2009 (including among others: the Falconbridge Workers Union in the Dominican Republic; Altonorte Smelter Workers Union, in Chile, and Antamina Workers Union, in Peru).
• To promote worker exchanges to promote solidarity and build awareness on workers’ issues.
• To improve communication between us. We need fast and effective communication as the foundation of our work. We will establish a communications network through the internet.
• To consult with and educate our members in our local unions.
• To endorse the campaign of the CFMEU in Australia on workers’ right to be represented by trade unions. We will participate in that campaign through coordinated action.
• To meet again and bring together more unions representing Xstrata workers. To work with the ICEM and its affiliates.
• To develop strategies, including media strategies, to advance union campaigns.
• To establishing an International Solidarity Fund that would provide us with the resources to undertake joint projects and support each other at the appropriate times
• To work toward:
• establishing a Workers’ World Council
• engaging the company in the establishment of common international minimum standards on occupational health, safety and environment.

The following unions and union federations participated in the meeting and endorse this statement.

ICEM - International Federation of Chemical, Energy, and Mining and General Workers’ Unions

From Australia –
Construction Forestry Mining Energy Union (CFMEU) – Australia, including: CFMEU branches at:
• Xstrata Newlands Coal
• Xstrata Oaky North Coal
• Northern District Branches

From Germany -
IG Metal, Nordenham, Germany

From Canada –
United Steelworkers (USW), including:
• USW Local 2020 – Xstrata Nickel, Sudbury, Ontario
• USW Local 4614 - Fonderie Generale – Montreal, Quebec
• USW Local 5385 – Brunswick Mining & Smelting, Bathurst, New Brunswick
• USW Local 6887 – CCR, Montreal, Quebec
• USW Local 6486 – CEZinc, Montreal, Quebec
• USW Local 9449 - Raglan, Québec
• USW Local 7085 – Brunswick Mining & Smelting, Bathurst, New Brunswick

From Chile –
Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Fundidora Altonorte, Antofagasta, Chile

From the Dominican Republic –
SUTRAFADO, Falconbridge Workers Union, Dominican Republic

From Peru –
FNTMMSP, National Federation of Mine and Metalworkers of Peru
SUTRACOMASA, Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Compañía Minera Antamina, Peru