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Urgent Request: EFCA Letter

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6 May, 2009

The Global Unions, consisting of the 13 global union federations, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), and TUAC of the OECD, knows of the importance in America in passing the Employee Free Choice Act. We know that a strong economy depends on workers given the opportunity to join a trade union and to bargain collectively so that fair wages and social benefits are lifted for all in a society.

This, we believe, is the basic underpinning of the Employee Free Choice Act. Our trade union stands firmly behind the American trade unions in your efforts to get the United States Congress to pass this legislation into law, with the support of President Barack Obama. Please pass to your union membership, as well as to your elected officials, that our union fully supports EFCA, and that we consider it an essential element in a free society that workers be allowed to join a trade union in an unobstructed way.

(Signed … Name of Trade Union Official)
(Name of Trade Union)