Read this article in:
29 May, 2012
The ICEM is calling on Pulp and Paper Activists to take immediate action in support of 45 members of UK’s Unite the Unite, dockworkers at the Port of Tilbury in Essex, who today are concluding their third round of strike action against Enterprise Distribution Centre and the Stora Enso parent rolls they handle in this North Sea port.
(Stora Enso Logistics is the operator of a warehouse at the port, employs management personnel there, and from all indications is the company that is seeking rollbacks on work terms through the Port of Tilbury’s enterprise that ultimately will affect pay.)
Copy the message in italics below and send to Port of Tilbury Dockworkers by clicking this mail link.
The situation is this: On 1 March, without negotiating with Unite, Enterprise unilaterally changed work shifts to where the 45 dock and warehouse workers are only called when a ship loaded with paper arrives from Sweden. Previously, they worked full work shifts. The change means a reduction in pay between £2,500 and £5,000 per year.
The Tilbury 45 staged a 24-hour strike action on 8 May, a 48-hour strike on 21-22 May, and a 48-hour one that ends tonight (29 May) at 22h00. Tomorrow, 30 May, the union and management will enter into the first formal set of negotiations, even though the work-time rollback occurred three months ago.
And also today, the Swedish Dockworkers’ Union will begin the first of two 24-hour strikes at Stora’s port in Goteborg blockading the two ships (one owned by Stora) used to ferry parent rolls from Sweden to the UK’s Tilbury Port. Do your part, copy the following message or send one in your own hand to the dockworkers at Unite the Union.
(Subject heding) Support for Tilbury Dockworkers, Represented by Unite the Unite!!
Dear Tilbury 45,
We have heard from the ICEM about your valiant struggle to retain your living standards at the Port of Tilbury, living standards that Enterprise Distribution Centre and Stora Enso are attempting to strip from you. Please know that my union is aware of your strike actions, we are in full support, and we will do everything in our power to spread the word of this unfair assault on your livelihoods.
(Name of Union)
A copy of the ICEM letter sent in support of the Tilbury 45 is here. Thank you for your prompt action in support of these workers!