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Tragedy Continues for Workers at the Albanian Bulqiza Mine as Trade Union Leader Dies

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27 August, 2007

The workers at the chrome Bulqiza mine in Albania resumed their earlier industrial action on 13 August, following the death of Mr. Zaim Hysa, the Secretary of a trade union of the Bulqiza mine on Friday 10 August 2007.

The unfortunate accident came just over one month after the workers signed an agreement with the management at the largest mine in Albania. That particular agreement was only reached after demonstrations and a hunger strike by the workers, and following intense negotiations that saw the involvement of senior managers of Darfo, the Italian company which owns the chrome mines and a ferrochrome smelter (click here for more).

The July agreement dealt, in addition to salary issues, with health and safety and working conditions, areas where, as can sadly be seen from the death of the trade union leader, very little to no progress was made over the last few weeks.

Miners at the Bulqiza mine refused to enter the mine on 13 August and claimed, at a rally with 600 workers, that they would not start working again until the company fulfilled their demands for better working conditions. Reportedly, workers have to work with inadequate equipment that comes from other bankrupt mines throughout the country. Miners, which have already seen four fatalities in the mine this year, are also asking for proper employment contracts.

Mr. Zaim Hysa, 40 years old, was married and had children. He was known for having complained repeatedly about the poor working conditions in the mine.