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Trade Unions in Europe Plan 29 September Manifestation to Resist Austerity Measures

23 August, 2010

European trade unions, led by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), will stage a mobilization in central Brussels on 29 September protesting job loss and resulting service cuts due to austerity measures being imposed by governments. The date will coincide with a meeting of Europe’s Finance Ministers in Europe’s capital.

In addition, Spanish trade union federations UGT and CC.OO have called a one-day strike across Spain on 29 September in protest to massive public-sector cuts and attacks on pension formulas and social services by the ruling Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE).

The ETUC’s Day of Action, entitled “No to Austerity, Priority for Jobs and Growth,” will manifest against proposed €200 billion in overall cuts, which could result in 200,000 further job losses. The manifestation will take the side, for example, of Romanian trade unions which have futilely resisted pay cuts by as much as 25% on state workers.

The Day of Action is to resist European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet’s call for an end to economic stimulus programmes and rigorous imposition of austerity measures across Europe. European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) General Secretary Carola Fischbach-Pyttel warned that “as governments swing the austerity axe, they risk chopping off any green shoots of recovery, leaving workers, pensioners, and communities to face the prospect of an even longer recession.”

The ICEM calls on its European affiliated trade unions to heed the ETUC’s call and manifest on 29 September against the socially destructive austerity measures. In Brussels, some 25,000 trade unionists are expected to assemble that day at Gare Du Midi, the city’s south railway station, at 11h30 and march to Parc du Cinquantenaire where a rally will be held beginning at 15h.