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13 August, 2007

The ICEM has taken issue with a global building contractor following the dismissal of a union leader in Argentina.
Management of Swedish-based Skanska AB’s Argentine subsidiary fired the leader of ICEM affiliate Federación Argentina Sindicol del Petróleo y Gas Privados (FASPyGP), Marcelo Turchetti, while he was engaged in legitimate union activities for the Austral Basin branch of the union in Santa Cruz Province.
The sacking occurred in June, and FASPyGP began a boycott of Skanska’s contracting services at all of Argentina’s energy worksites. The company operates as a contractor for ExxonMobil, Petrobras, Repsol, Royal Dutch Shell, and Chevron operations in Argentina. Skanska employs 1,000 construction workers in Argentina.
“We have implemented a boycott campaign and we have taken all the necessary legal steps under our country’s laws to get him reinstated,” said FASPyGP Secretary General Alberto Roberti.
The ICEM alerted the Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) prior to lodging the complaint. The BWI and Skanska are signatories to a Global Framework Agreement (GFA), agreed to in 2001.
In the ICEM letter, General Secretary Manfred Warda states that “Turchetti was discharged in the performance of his legitimate union duties … this is counter to Core Labour Conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), and is counter to the principles contained in the (GFA) that your company has signed with ICEM’s fellow GUF, the Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI).”
The ICEM is seeking for the branch leader’s immediate reinstatement with full back wages. The ICEM’s letter to Skanska can be found here.