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Stora Enso Readies Itself for More Cuts at Belgian Paper Mill

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6 February, 2006

An ICEM News release on 3 February mentions current Belgian political debate on the legal status of a trade union. It said Swedish-Finnish paper company Stora Enso has now joined that debate on the side of right-wing political parties to re-classify unions across Belgium.

Something basic and fundamental is at play at Stora Enso’s Langerbrugge mill in Gent. The company is systematically attempting to carve further job rights from workers at Gent’s Langerbrugge mill.

Intimidations, bullying and divide-to-conquer tactics are the means. The company’s intention is for the 300 members at Langerbrugge to concede 70 jobs to subcontractors, to agree on flexibility at the expense of working conditions, and to give up their long-term right to 1 January as a shutdown day.

That is reason enough to march in Gent tomorrow night (7 February, 19h00) to condemn Stora Enso’s intentions. The ICEM News release can be found at /?id=77&doc=1638.