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16 October, 2006
ICEM Affiliate Federación de Industrias Químicas y Afines de Comisiones Obreras (Fiteqa) has, together with the Spanish metalworkers union, Federación Estatal Minerometalúrgica, both of which affiliate to CC.OO., published a guide book on how to deal with safety related problems at work.
The guide book follows a change in the law in Spain, which affects both refineries and chemical complexes, and gives workers guidance on how to act in case of an accident.
According to the authors, the guide should be a helpful tool to get more companies in the said sectors to accept propositions by Spain’s social partners to create more health and safety committees. The handbook discusses the urgent need to create such committees in all enterprises.
The guide highlights the need for more and better information and communications between the largest companies in the sector. Its full name in Spanish is “Guía para la implantación de la Coordinación de Actividades Empresariales. Desarrollo de la Ley de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales en las Refinerías y complejos petroquímicos de España.” It can be found here.