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Spanish General Strike Gains World Union Support

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11 August, 2005ICEM News release No. 28/2002

Measures to cut unemployment benefits have been brought in by Spain's centre-right government. The legislative changes would also make it easier and cheaper to fire workers. Spanish unions have announced a general strike against these moves.

The Spanish crisis has international implications at a time when globalisation is being invoked as a pretext for social cuts. Scheduled for 20 June, the Spanish general strike has received the full support of the 20-million-strong International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers' Unions (ICEM).

Acting on a unanimous decision by the international's Executive, ICEM General Secreteary Fred Higgs has written to the Spanish union confederations CC.OO. and UGT to declare "full solidarity with your general strike and its aims". Copies of the letter have gone to ICEM-affiliated Spanish industrial unions.

"That the Spanish government should be taking such retrograde steps at all is a cause for deep concern," Higgs writes. "That it should be doing so during the Spanish Presidency of the European Union is an ominous sign that workers' rights are under threat throughout Europe and beyond. The EU, once a bastion of social partnership, now seems to have fallen for the wrongheaded argument that social demolition is good for economic growth."

Quite the reverse is true, Higgs points out. "In Spain, in Europe and worldwide, lasting growth depends on secure, high-quality jobs, on social justice, on proper investment in skills, innovation, education, infrastructure, health and environmental protection and, last but not least, on full respect for human rights, including trade union rights."

The declared aims of the Spanish general strike on 20 June are:

- No cuts in unemployment benefits and no measures that would make dismissals easier and cheaper

- Better unemployment coverage

- Full, high-quality employment that is secure and respects workers' rights

- High-quality education for all

- A social model that combines growth with social cohesion.

Consumer groups are also backing the protest. Shoppers should make 20 June a purchase-free day, says Andalusian consumers' federation FACUA.

Take Part as a Worker, Take Part as a Consumer, FACUA advises.

Read the support letter by the ICEM to CCOO and UGT
(in Spanish)