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South Africa, US Unions Attend Sappi’s Annual Meeting

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20 March, 2006

South African and North American members of the Sappi Workers’ Network attended the paper company’s AGM in Johannesburg on 6 March to protest lack of fruitful negotiations at mills in the US, and broken promises on education and over promotion opportunities in South Africa.

Representatives of the Chemical, Energy, Paper, Printing, Wood & Allied Workers Union (CEPPWAWU) of South Africa and United Steel Workers (USW) of the US learned at the meeting that CEO Jonathan Leslie would resign, and the USW issued a statement the day following the meeting that it would welcome a change in course of industrial relations.

“Sappi now has an opportunity to take a new direction if it chooses,” said USW Vice President Dick LaCosse, leader of the union’s Paper Division. “We would welcome a new approach to our talks with the company to better secure our jobs, our communities and our future."