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Russia's Wage Debt: Unions And Government To Draft A Pay Plan

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12 August, 2005ICEM News release No. 84/1998

Russian unions and government are to present proposals by this Wednesday, 14 October, for tackling the mountainous wage debt owed to Russia's workers.

That is the main outcome of talks between the government and the unions on 8 October - the day after the unions' nationwide day of action.

The union delegation at last Thursday's talks represented the FNPR labour federation. It consisted of FNPR President M. Shmakov and his deputy, and the Presidents of industrial unions. These included the Presidents of three ICEM-affiliated unions: Valery Stanin (chemical workers), Lev Mironov (oil and gas workers), and I.I. Mokhnatchuk (coal industry union Rosugleprof). Also taking part were Presidents and Vice-Presidents of unions organising automobile workers, metal miners, agricultural workers and education staff.

The government was represented by Valentina Matvienko, First Deputy Prime Minister, in charge of social issues; S. Kalashnikov, Minister of Labour; A. Kudrin, First Deputy Minister of Finance; and A. Sharonov, Deputy Minister of Economics.

The two-and-a-half-hour discussion focussed on the unions' main demands:

no further delays in wage payments
payment of current wage debts, including compensation for late payment
pay rises in line with inflation
an increase in the minimum wage.
It was agreed that both sides will present their proposals by 14 October. On that basis, the government and union negotiators will then prepare a package of joint proposals, which will be submitted as drafts for:

presidential decrees
government instructions
laws to be considered by the national parliament, the Duma.