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Russians' Pay Protest Set For 9 April

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11 August, 2005ICEM News release No. 29/1998

Trade unions across Russia are to hold a day of protest on 9 April under the slogan Wages! Employment! Legality! A prominent part will be played by affiliates of the 20-million-strong International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers' Unions (ICEM).

Top of the Russian unions' concerns is unpaid wages. The total pay backlog owed to Russian workers has now reached 57 billion new roubles (about 9.5 billion US dollars), unions and Russian TV say. The protesters will also be demanding an increase in the minimum wage and new labour legislation to protect workers' rights.

ICEM-affiliated electric power workers' union Electrounion will be in the thick of the action on 9 April. The union already has confirmation that more than 18,000 members will be taking part in meetings, demonstrations, pickets and negotiations with city administrations in 53 regions of Russia. Workplace meetings are planned by 435 local trade union committees - a number likely to increase by Thursday.

In Moscow, members of Electrounion will be joining a picket in front of the "White House", the seat of government. Electrounion's action will not be limited to pickets and demonstrations. The ICEM has received reports of major strikes being planned, involving thousands of workers in Dagestan and Buriatia.

Meanwhile, nuclear workers in the Urals have sent an open letter to President Boris Yeltsin, pointing out that his presidential decree on priority funding for nuclear centres and "radiation facilities" has not been implemented. Nuclear workers are preparing to join the day of action. The staff of the Snezhinsk nuclear centre, for example, have not been paid for 3-4 months. They often go to work hungry.

As the action inside Russia mounts, the ICEM is further stepping up its "cybercampaign" in support of Russia's workers. From special pages on the ICEM website, supporters worldwide can get news on the action as it is received, plus a full range of hyperlinks for actively backing the Russian workers' campaign.