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Resolution from the ICEM Global Union Network of DuPont workers

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23 March, 2006

Whereas, nine trade unions from eight countries met in Brussels on March 22 and 23 to discuss common problems faced by workers at DuPont Company, a multinational chemical company headquatered in the U.S.

Whereas, this meeting was organized in cooperation with the International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers’ Unions, representing 20 million workers throughout the world;

Whereas, the following unions were present at the meeting:

  • Gewerkschaft der Chemiearbeiter Österreichs (Austria)
  • La Centrale Générale/FGTB (Belgium)
  • LBC-NVK/CSC (Belgium)
  • CNQ-CUT (Brazil)
  • 3F (Denmark)
  • FCE-CFDT (France)
  • IG BCE (Germany)
  • FNV Bondgenoten (Netherlands)
  • USW (USA)

Whereas, there was a free and open discussion among the trade unions present and a full exchange of opinions and ideas;

Whereas, the key issues addressed by the trade unionists included

  • the out-sourcing of DuPont’s human resource functions;
  • growing concern about worker and community exposure to PFOA (C8) from Teflon-related chemicals;
  • lack of full company reporting of accidents;
  • company support of union-busting in the United States, and
  • the lack of a business strategy or an adequate response for dealing with redundancies in Europe at DuPont’s performance coating business;

Therefore be it resolved that all of the trade unions present at the meeting hereby form the Global Union Network of DuPont Workers to share information and develop strategies to protect DuPont workers and the communities where the live;

Be it further resolved that the Global Union Network of DuPont Workers invites other trade unions to become members;

Be it further resolved that the Global Union Network of DuPont Workers will exist to exchange information and to coordinate trade union strategy to address ongoing problems at DuPont.