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Relief Aid Begins Reaching Gaza through ITF and ITUC Efforts

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12 January, 2009

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The first cargo plane full of humanitarian supplies for the people of Gaza landed last week, 8 January, at Al-Areesh, Egypt, courtesy of the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF). Both the ITF and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) are actively engaged in trade union relief operations to deliver food, water, and medical assistance to Gaza, following nearly three weeks bombing by Israel.

The supplies, collected from transport trade unions and other across the Middle East, were passed to the Red Crescent in Gaza. ITF Representative for the Arab World, Bilal Malkawi, also chief leader of Jordan’s General Trade Union of Workers in Air Transport and Tourism, supervised a cargo that included mostly vital medical supplies purchased by the ITF.

Bilal Malkawi was aboard the aircraft as it landed in Egypt late last week. The ITF-affiliated union has headed up the collection of essential supplies that were transported on Royal Jordanian planes, donated by the airline for the cause. Further relief flights will follow.

“We hope that this will be the first of several mercy flights carrying humanitarian supplies,” said ITF General Secretary David Cockroft. “Vital though these medical supplies are, they do not lessen in any way the need for an immediate cease fire in Gaza.”

The ICEM called for an immediate cease fire in a statement issued on 31 December. “The loss of innocent Palestinian lives is deplorable, and an immediate and fully respected ceasefire by both Israel and Hamas is now clearly the only way forward,” the ICEM statement read. 

Labour groups worldwide, particularly in the Middle East, have condemned Israel’s disproportionate attacks on Gaza. Late last week, the ICEM-affiliated General Trade Union of Public Utilities of Egypt issued a call for the international community “to exercise and exert pressure on Israel to bring an end to Palestinian suffering, and to stop the violent and atrocious aggression on the armless people of Gaza.”

The ITUC is working in cooperation with national labour centres in Palestine and Jordan (the PGFTU and GFJTU) to bring trade union aid for Gaza’s citizens. The ITUC has set up an account called “Trade Union Aid for Gaza.” Information on bank transfer donations can call +32 2 224 0211 for information.

Union wishing to contribute to the ITF, Jordanian Air Transport Workers Union efforts can do so by contacting Bilal at [email protected].